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  • Writer's picturePablo Galindo

MAIP 2020 Experience 1/2

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

Diving blindly into opportunity. "The next level..."

"MAIP fellows are hand selected by industry professionals to begin their careers in advertising.Once selected, fellows engage in a 22-week, nation-wide fellowship that is both virtual and in-agency."

“Months after applying to MAIP the time for selection day arrived. I really didn't know what to expect. We were live on social media and you could feel the tensions in the air. Only a few moments away for this rewarding moment.”

A Patient Journey...

Applying for MAIP was a late decision for me. I applied in early Fall during my last year at the New York City College of Technology. I was unaware that I was eligible to apply to the program. You see I am a DACA recipient and often we are limited to applying for internships due to our legal status. I knew about MAIP for about a year now, however to my knowledge you had to be a LPR to apply. I foolishly stepped away from this opportunity and did not reach out and ask questions. 2 Weeks before the deadline I noticed that the website had been updated. According to the website "DACA recipients" were eligible to apply! In the middle of completing my semester which included my senior project course I pushed EVERYTHING to the side an focused on the MAIP application. I immediately reached out to my professors and past internship mentors for Letters of Recommendations. I quickly filled out the biographical information and proceeded to complete 2 projects. It was a tough and intense period but I pulled through and applied!

Before I knew it Selection day had arrived and it was time to receive our offers. I honestly did not know what to expect neither what was to come. You see we did not apply to the agency directly we completed a general application and agencies selected us. The 4A's put together a live event. Months after applying to MAIP the time for selection day arrived. I really didn't know what to expect. We were live on social media and you could feel the tensions in the air. Only a few moments away for this rewarding moment. Finally, the time came and offers began coming in... after a few moments of technical difficulties. I received my offer from Omnicon Health Group! This was presented as a Copywriting position. Although it was not my desired disciple without hesitation I took the offer! I had heard about Omnicon Health Group but not enough to say that I was familiar with them. Regardless of my lack of knowledge I accepted the offer and was ready to explore this new opportunity. Little did we know there was an upcoming threat that would lock-down not only our internship but the world in a way we've never seen before...

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